NEWS - 2022/04/19

Women in Urban Mobility Disrupts the Current Situation Through an Upcoming Course

During the celebration of International Women’s Day, CARNET conducted a small survey regarding the access of women to the technological and innovation sector in which up to 50 professionals and people who are interested in the mobility sector participated.

The results showed that less than 20% of the participants knew where female entrepreneurs were more common, as well as in which country has the highest percentage of women in leading corporate roles.  In the survey outcome, we have also found that even though people recognise that women may struggle with the imposter syndrome, and only 12,5% of the respondents answered correctly in which region women underestimate their scientific abilities to a higher degree.

These results show a grim reality: The unawareness of the actual situation that women experience in both the technological and the innovation sectors. As we have previously stated in several of our communications: Education has been demonstrated to be a highly effective method to reverse these situations and help us build a better world.

That’s why we’re proud to announce that Women in Urban Mobility (WUM), a project co-financed by EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, will launch an academic course to pave the way for innovative women in urban mobility. The project is developed by a consortium led by UnternehmerTUM in collaboration with CARNET, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), and JA Bulgaria.

Through six online modules, female participants from mobility companies, cities, academia, and start-ups will be able to develop innovation skills and learn how to solve problems with design thinking, as well as work on their sales and negotiation skills and reflect on themselves as (future) leaders. In addition, participants will also have access to excellent networking opportunities and the exchange with female peers in the mobility sector.

The launch event will take place in Barcelona, on 5 May at 5 pm (GMT+2) at Centre Cívic Can Deu (Sala d’actes) and it may be followed via streaming, through CARNET’s Youtube Channel, and it will consist of a keynote speech, given by Ms. Orlie Sol Gruper (Dahan)  about innovation and entrepreneurship, taking into account a gender-balanced perspective.  Afterwards, we will hold a colloquium with women from CARNET’s ecosystem in urban mobility, followed by a networking cocktail.

Register now to attend the event: