NEWS - 2020/04/15

“The End Of Driving”

The advances of autonomous-driving technologies will generate new
transportation use cases, in great measure driven by essential factors such as
what is moved, type of vehicle ownership, the travelled way, human factors in
handling vehicles on the travelled way, and the storage of vehicles and goods in
To broaden the views of the challenges that cities will face with the introduction
of AVs, Industry leaders of autonomous vehicle technology, decision-makers at
city, metropolitan and regional level meeting this week at the course sponsored
by CARNET, organised by FACTUAL together with Harmony Mobility, ESADE
Creapolis and other sponsors: “The End of Driving: Planning for Autonomous

Mobility”. The instructor, Bern Grush, a founder of Grush Niles Strategic and, discussed about his perspective and studies on how the
autonomous-driving stakeholders shall face the challenges and how to stay
ahead of upcoming changes. Considering the autonomous vehicles more from
the perspective of social sciences such as urban planning and behavioral

A lively debate followed each of the 15 modules of the course, with very
interactive Q&A sessions connecting the topics presented with actual issues
being addressed by the participants in their respective fields of work. The
debate stressed the impending need to transition to a more human-centric
approach for cities, starting with a more efficient, cleaner, more convenient
mobility, but really focused on the system, urban, and human behavioral
changes needed to reduce private vehicle ownership.

CARNET is focused on solving what’s needed today while creating and
researching for new technologies society doesn’t even know they need yet, to
adapt and develop them in collaboration with the network of industrial partners.