NEWS - 2021/07/05

The EIT Urban Mobility Accelerator South Programme Welcomes its Batch #3 Participants

From over 100 applications from all over Europe and associated countries, EIT Urban Mobility selected the 25 most-promising start-ups to be part of the third cohort of this 6-month Accelerator Programme. Out of these, 5 will be the participants in the South Programme, kicking-off officially on 12 July.

The selected companies will benefit from financial support, mentoring, training, expert workshops, free office space, access to local ecosystems, and infrastructure, and a lot more provided by the acceleration partners in the five Innovations Hubs.

All the teams and their dedicated founders are solving mobility-related problems with innovations that make our lives easier and happier. Learn more about the start-ups from Innovation Hub South and how they are transforming urban mobility to adapt it to society’s needs.

Participants – Innovation Hub South

  • Volvero (Italy)
    Volvero is an app for sharing vehicles that connects owners with people who need one, saving time and money. Through AI and advanced technologies, they improve quality and security.

Built to be Airbnb for vehicles, the app brings a significant social and environmental impact. Volvero is a game-changer in mobility as it targets several problems faced by society and our digital-only solution allows for a full and unlimited scalability.

Learn more:

  • Pendel Mobility (Spain)
    Pendel enables Public Transport Operators (PTOs) to offer travellers a more accessible, sustainable and safer mobility option. They do this by providing the next-gen of Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) service through integrating electric, intelligent, automated shuttles (AS).

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  • Inteligg PC (Greece)
    Inteligg P.C. develops products, provides services, and engages in research in the fields of energy, transport, environment and rural applications, focusing on social innovation, sustainable mobility and economy, environmental impact assessment, energy efficiency and renewable energy, as well as ICT solutions, aiming to become a global player in Smart Cities solutions in the next few years.

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  • Deeptraffic (Greece)
    As traffic, congestion, safety and the environment pose ever increasing challenges for urban and highway road networks, the technology offered by deeptraffic, is envisioned as the new paradigm for the effective management of traffic, in view of today’s increased vehicles’ connectivity, as well as of the upcoming increased vehicles’ automation.

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  • MinervaS (Italy)
    MinervaS provides a suite of integrated solutions for smart & future mobility, from driving advisors (TruckY) to fleet management tools, all tailored to the vehicle and size of the customer’s business. TruckY is the ADAS plug&play device capable of increasing the environmental sustainability of heavy-duty vehicles thanks to its patented method, offering a reduction in fuel consumption up to 10% and the containment of the related polluting emissions.

Learn more:

We are looking forward to six months of intense collaboration and support to these teams that solve urban mobility related problems that affect citizens across our cities, which will conclude in December with our Demoday event.

The programme, financed by EIT Urban Mobility, is developed by the acceleration partners Innovation Hub South: UPC – Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona City Council, CARNET, CTAG, and UPF.

Discover more information about the EIT Urban Mobility Accelerator programme here.