The Citizens of Milan Test and Evaluate the New #ChallengeMyCity Pilots Implemented
During the launch event of two new pilots at the Milano Rogoredo station, developed within the EIT Urban Mobility’s #ChallengeMyCity Milan programme, a workshop to engage with the local citizens and get their feedback was conducted by CARNET on 4 October.
The citizen engagement activity developed by CARNET, was aimed at evaluating the implementation of new innovative sustainable mobility services at the station; a secure bike parking area, installed by the start-up Don Cicleto, and a solar-powered docking station for electric vehicles, installed by the start-up Solum. The pilots will provide the citizens of Milan an opportunity to use these new services over the next few months. The activity allowed to gather the citizens feedback on the initiative, their first impressions as well as ideas for improving the station’s intermodality potential.
Milano Rogoredo, the host for these mobility pilots, is a peripherical railway station in Milan located south of the city centre and one of the key nodes of the city-suburban railway network. The initiative is seeking to improve intermodality at the station and promote the use of public transport in combination with other modes of transport, such as carsharing, bicycles, scooters, e-scooters or any other electric vehicle.
The #ChallengeMyCity project aims at solving mobility-related challenges faced by European cities in their urban environment with market-ready innovative solutions. The two selected start-ups to implement their solutions within the city of Milan have each received around €50,000 in funding from EIT Urban Mobility to implement their pilot and the opportunity to showcase their product in a real environment through a 6-month pilot.