Symposium on
"Urban Mobility challenges"
15th November 2021



COVID-19 has dramatically disrupted mobility. Lockdowns were enforced all over the world, together with face-to-face limitations and social restrictions. After acceptable vaccination levels, Europeans, Americans and the rest of the world are trying to go back to normal. Mobility is increasing again, although it has not reached pre-covid levels yet. Most importantly, travel behavior has changed radically.

Data can play a crucial role in these recovery times. If research institutions know how people move, when and for what reason, then this knowledge can be used to optimize the system, while deploying new business models. The first round table tackles the latest innovations on data in mobility and its potential in current times.

Simultaneously, innovative solutions can be brought to the market to attain more sustainable urban mobility for our citizens. The use of technology has led to new mobility schemes: ride-hailing, vehicle sharing strategies and other optimized mobility options are changing the way we move, also in the public transport arena. The second round table is about demand-responsive transit.

Finally, urban air mobility can play an important role in recovery. Use cases are already emerging, mostly for freight. Urban air mobility is going to be tackled with a panel of high-level experts who will talk about the future of air mobility.

Organizers & Co-funders

With the support of:


09:30 - 9:45h. Opening Session

•  Prof. Dr. Lluís Jofre Roca, Academic Director of CARNET (UPC)
•  Alexander Siebeneich, Industrial Director of CARNET (VW)
•  Andreu Sola, Creative and Strategic Director of CARNET (SEAT)

9:45 - 10:15h. KEY NOTE: The mobility knowledge of the future is hidden in Data

•  Lucas Casasnovas, Managing Director SEAT MO & Casa SEAT at SEAT, S.A

10:15 - 11:10h. Round Table I: The importance of data in the future of mobility

Moderator: Silvia Thal, Research Assistant at Niedersächsisches Forschungszentrum Fahrzeugtechnik

•  Speaker: Frédéric Reutenauer, Vice President at PTV GROUP
•  Speaker: Christian Raulf, Research Assistant at Technische Universität Braunschweig
•  Speaker: Ramon Pruneda, Technical director at AMB informació

Download Table I

11:10 - 11:30h. Coffee break

11:30 - 12:20h. Round Table II: Innovative public transport initiatives: Demand Responsive Transit

Moderator: Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou, Research Director and Deputy Director at HIT CERTH

•  Speaker: Sergi Vila, Office Director at SEAT CODE
•  Speaker: Joao Vieira, Director at CARRIS
•  Speaker: Lidia Signor, Combined mobility manager at UITP

Download Table II

12:20 - 13:10h. Round Table III: Space and mobility

Moderator: Gareth Macnaughton, Innovation Director at EIT Urban Mobility.

•  Speaker: Massimo Fiorin, Director Business Park at Swiss aeropole
•  Speaker: Iñigo Ezquerra, R&D Director in the Aeronautics, Space & Defence Division at Capgemini Engineering
•  Speaker: Adriano José Camps, Signal Theory and Communications Professor at UPC

Download Table III

13:10 - 13:30h. Mobility Data

•  Miquel Nieto Rodríguez, expert IoT & Big Data at Telefónica Tech

13:30 - 13:45h. Closure

•  Julian Vinué, Digital Innovation Manager at Telefónica
•  Climent Molins, Vicerector for Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at UPC

Telefonica Presentations


Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Camins, Canals i Ports de Barcelona,

C/ Jordi Girona 1-3, Edifici C2, Conference Hall / Sala d'Actes