NEWS - 2021/10/22

VII Symposium on Urban Mobility Challenges – Mobility Recovery After COVID-19

For the seventh consecutive year, CARNET is organising the “Symposium on “Urban Mobility Challenges. CARNET will bring together speakers from the industrial sector and the academic world, to present their knowledge of new technologies and the latest innovations related to mobility.

COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on mobility during the last year. Lockdowns, as well as face-to-face and social restrictions, were imposed all over the world. Europeans, Americans, and the rest of the world are attempting to return to normality after reaching appropriate immunization levels. Mobility is increasing again, although it has not reached pre-covid levels yet. Above all, travel habits have shifted dramatically.

Data can be critical in reducing recovery times. If research institutions understand how people move, when they move, and why they move, they can use this information to improve the system while deploying new business models. The first round table will discuss the most recent developments in data in mobility and their potential in today’s world.

Simultaneously, innovative solutions can be brought to the market to attain more sustainable urban mobility for our citizens. New mobility schemes have emerged as a result of technological advancements: ride-hailing, vehicle sharing strategies, and other improved mobility options are altering the way we travel, including in public transportation. The second round table is about demand-responsive transit.

Finally, urban air mobility has the potential to aid recovery. Use cases are already emerging, primarily in the freight industry. The topic of urban air mobility will be discussed by a panel of high-level experts who will discuss the future of air mobility.

This year, our Symposium is once again influenced by the present times, focusing on the current context and opportunities arising from the circumstances that surround us and trying to work towards better urban mobility.

Event website: