V Symposium
According to the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, externalities induced by current mobility models are enormous: congestion already costs Europe 100 Billion Euros annually, poor air quality leads to 500k premature deaths, and road fatalities – especially in cities – are still far too high. Last year, 185 persons lost their lives because of road crashes only in Catalonia (+10% with respect to previous year).
In this context, managing urban mobility, not only cars but also every other transport mode, is a key issue in denser cities. Innovative ways of transporting passenger and goods, future urban concepts and new business models will deeply affect the way people move and surely have an impact on the car-centered paradigm we are currently living in, hopefully making more room for citizens in eco-friendlier environments.
To optimize these urban mobility systems as well as the way they are managed, data will have a key role in future years since every user will become an incredible source of information. Our Symposium is organized together with the third conference of the CM3 (Computational Models and Methods for Mobility) series of ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences “International workshop on Digital Technologies in Transport”, giving a strong data-oriented component to the event this year.
Finally, since moving people is not enough to make cities more sustainable, harbors logistics and freight transportation will be tackled, giving us a deeper insight into the emerging possibilities of the maritime technologies. Among other issues, harbors will undoubtedly benefit from the deployment of autonomous vehicles to reduce their carbon emissions and move towards a more sustainable society.
Prof. Dr. Lluís Jofre Roca Academic Director of CARNET
Alexander Siebeneich Industrial Director of CARNET
Pedro Díez Director of the Civil Engineering School of Barcelona
Prof. Nikolas Geroliminis École Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Moderator: Dr. Roman Henze. NFF. Automotive Research Centre Niedersachsen.
Lluís Alegre Director of the Mobility Area, ATM
Miguel Ángel Fernandez Ros Project Manager Área Desarrollo Digital Dirección Territorio Mediterráneo at Telefónica
Prof. Erik Jenelius Associate Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Dr. Martin Vendel Interim Director Education EIT Urban Mobility, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Moderator: Ángel López, Director of stretegical sustainable mobility at Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Ramon Gras Co-Founder of Arethian
Prof. Dr. David Woisetschläger NFF. Automotive Research Centre Niedersachsen
Carlos Rosales Area Manager Infotainment and Cybersecurity at Centro Tecnológico de Automoción de Galicia (CTAG)
Moderator: Manel Grifoll, Vice-Dean of International Relations and Research. Facultat de Nàutica. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Enric Rodellas Cap de Plànol del Port de Barcelona
Thanassis Karlis Strategic Planning and Marketing Officer at Piraeus Port Authority S.A.
Carolina Navarro Port-City Area Manager at Fundación Valenciaport
Mariano Yagüez Insa Gerente de AA.PP., Telefónica Cataluña
Jordi Berenguer Vice-rector for Knowledge Transfer and Innovation, UPC