Project purpose and Description


The mobility sector is developing fast. Several levels of disruption induce the sector’s structural changes, including stricter emission standards and decarbonization as part of new more sustainable mobility concepts, connectivity, and ongoing digitalization. Furthermore, changes in consumer preferences and globalization are challenges the workforce must deal with.

All these changes have an impact on the future work of employees across the entire value chain, as well as across all organizational levels. The new arising future jobs require a different mix of skills and a permanent adaption of skill levels and competencies. Education and training play a key role in ensuring that opportunities are provided for all individuals to develop their skills continually in a lifelong learning perspective, allowing them to adapt to rapidly changing labour market requirements and conditions. Both reskilling and upskilling strategies can be realized to close the gap and remain competitive.


Objectives and Outcomes


The aim of the project is to develop a series of ten WebTV videos (from 2 to 5 minutes long) in the area of sustainable mobility and transport to be produced and published on YouTube. All videos shall address a wide target audience of professionals either from the private sector or from the public sector.