Project purpose and Description


sCOOL2walk aims to develop a solution to increase children’s safety commuting to school by walking. The web application’s purpose is to help kids and parents be matched with each other to share their walk to and from school, reaching several benefits such as reducing traffic congestion around schools’ surroundings during drop-off and picking-up times, or improving kids’ safety, since travelling in more significant numbers increases visibility and reduces the trip’s associated risks.


Objectives and Outcomes


sCOOL2walk overall impact is to reduce car use for escorting kids to school and raise walkability by 5% of the target sample in each city. The project’s outcome is to demonstrate a tool that allows the school community to walk to school in an organised manner. This will develop confidence in active mobility, leading children to walk to school safely and independently. Another outcome is to assist the city with traffic management in the school perimeter.