Project purpose and Description

In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), public authorities and regulators promote healthy and efficient mobility systems. The mobility of the future, a historically highly regulated ecosystem, may see the rules of the game change due to environmental, social and economic factors. Most European cities are implementing Low Emission Zones (LEZs) in response to these realities.

With the implementation of one of the largest LEZs in Europe, the public authorities of Barcelona and its Metropolitan Area (AMB) have made great efforts to create a more sustainable mobility ecosystem. The implementation of different ZBEs in Catalan cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants is proposed through a series of plans and legislation. However, the experts of any city that implements a ZBE face important challenges, such as the lack of a clear definition of ZBEs, and problems of digitalization, innovation, governance, and application, among others.

This course organized by CARNET, in collaboration with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) and the UPC School, and co-funded by the EIT Urban Mobility aims to provide public administration professionals with critical skills for innovation and transformation in the field of Low Emission Zones implementation.


Objectives and Outcomes


– To offer participants the necessary technical knowledge to establish a ZBE in a municipality.
– Aimed at the technical staff of the affected municipalities as well as, in general, any interested technician.
– To know previous as well as current experiences in order to be up to date with new developments in the sector.
– Imparting of knowledge by professors of the UPC, as well as external specialists, technicians and professionals of the AMB and other Catalan administrations.
– Companies that offer services related to the implementation of ZBEs will offer their experience and guidance.
– Put into practice the knowledge obtained through workshops given by specialists solving real-world problems.