Project purpose and Description
The 4I4U project aims to engage the community of citizens made up of 15-23 aged students on the topic of mobility of the future while empowering them to become actors for change who can participate in the development and evolution of their city.
Being inspired by 12 hybrid seminars held simultaneously in Toulouse and Barcelona, round-tables and brainstorming sessions will take place in order to understand different aspects of mobility and raise awareness on the subject.
Going from ideation to action by imagining and creating new use cases, objects, and applications for future urban mobility will be created and mentored by city workers, industrialists, and academics.
Objectives and Outcomes
1. Raise awareness of the context of urban mobility among teenagers and young adults with the expertise of teachers and trainers, city workers, and industrialists in the field of mobility.
2. Develop their capabilities to become actors in the mobility of the future with the creation of networks amongst students, cities, and industry on this topic.
3. Highlight the needs and desires of this group of citizens.
4. Create a replicable methodology with specific and common activities proposed by Toulouse and Barcelona, and develop an environment to help students from ideation to action for future mobility.
1. Environmental: The methodology of working will raise the awareness of young generations of students to the need that future urban mobility should be sustainable and active.
The approach is to imagine that the project ideations that the students are going to be involved in are sustainable, with special emphasis on recycled materials. We estimate that more than half of the ideas submitted and at least 3 of the ideas selected by the jury will have an impact on the environment. The change of scale in production will allow for the development of local employment but above all will avoid the transport of semi-industrialized parts around the world.
2. Economic: The expected outcomes and impacts are the possible creation of products in the domain of future mobility, an opportunity given to ideate in the city an innovative solution and help to argue for finding funds, the production of forms with easily shared techniques so that DIY, craft, and industry cohabit in the
same form, the perception of which is easily understood by all thanks to a work of popularisation of information and maintenance and finally sharing new
ideas with industry. We expect more than 25 ideas/project propositions and at least 2 ideas that have a real impact and economic potential for commercialization.
3. Social: We expect more than 200 students involved in 4I4U. They will become well-informed and increase their capacity to become actors of future mobility and more generally actors of the city. Moreover, connections will be made between the different visions of the city from learners, citizens, city management, companies, and teaching entities. Furthermore, common work for high school students and undergraduate and postgraduate students can encourage high school students to project their future as citizens engaged in sustainable activities in their cities. Finally, teachers will also increase their knowledge on this topic and be able to integrate this experience into their courses.