Practical Cargobikes Workshop – SmartHubs
The SmartHubs project which aims to strengthen and complement existing urban transportation networks regarding intermodal transportation nodes while activating their urban surroundings promoted the implementation of a central hub in Mira-Sol (Sant Cugat del Vallès) including commercial, cultural, and leisure activities. In terms of transportation, the Sant Cugat Hub is composed of the FGC train station, bus stops, private parking and a secure car park for 18 bicycles, managed by Bicibox (AMB), which has been in operation for a few months. In the same space, there is also an electric cargobike available to all citizens. This cargobike, which can be booked by calling the number 93 480 15 59, has a box in front of it that allow citizens to carry all kinds of groceries and packages, such as purchases that can be made in the Mira-Sol Mall or books borrowed from the Mira-Sol Central Library.
The electric cargobike is a novelty within the Bicibox service and the Sant Cugat Hub is the first amenity in which this new mode of transport is implemented. Due to its newness, next Thursday 26th of May at 18:00h a free practical workshop open to everyone will be held in Mira-Sol on Ausiàs March Square. You might be able to prove one of the trending vehicles of the moment for free!
In order to attend, you must confirm your attendance by emailing:
SmartHubs is project financed by EIT Urban Mobility and has put together a unique consortium of cities, companies, and universities. The consortium consists of: the municipality of Sant Cugat Del Vallès, Barcelona Metropolitan Area, AMS Institute, Brainport Smart District, Capgemini, CARNET, city of Amsterdam, city of Eindhoven, EMEL, Ferrocarrils Generalitat Catalunya (FGC), city of Helmond, Hely, Mobilne Miasto, Public Transport Authority in Warsaw (ZTM), SKODA AUTO, Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa, Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa, TU Delft, Altran Technologies & Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC).
Project website: