New Tools Are Being Developed to Help Accelerate the Implementation of Low Emission Zones Across Europe
In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SODs), healthy and efficient mobility systems are pushed forward by public authorities and regulators. Environmental, social, and economic aspects might change the rules of the game in the mobility of the future, a historically highly regulated ecosystem. In response to these facts, most European cities are implementing Low Emission Zones (LEZ).
Public authorities of Barcelona and its Metropolitan Area (AMB), have made a great effort to move towards a more sustainable mobility ecosystem by introducing one of the biggest LEZ in Europe. Several plans and regulations recommend different LEZ to be implemented in Catalan cities with over 20.000 inhabitants. However, its implementation faces important challenges for the professionals of any city, such as a lack of a clear LEZ definition, digitalization issues, innovation, governance, enforcement matters, among others.
To overcome these barriers, CARNET has organized a course in collaboration with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), and the UPC School, and funded by EIT Urban Mobility. Through the ZBE (Zones de Baixes Emissions) course, professionals within public administration will build critical capabilities for innovation and transformation in this field.
Oriented to the technical staff of the affected municipalities, and in general, to any technician interested in the subject, our course aims to give participants the technical know-how they need to establish a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) in a Catalan municipality. Likewise, attendees will learn from past experiences, and be up-to-date about existing technologies and innovations in the field. The lectures will be delivered by professors from the Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona (UPC), external experts, technicians, and professionals from the AMB and other Catalan authorities. Likewise, companies that offer services associated with the establishment of a LEZ will share their knowledge and advice. Workshops taught by specialists will supplement the knowledge obtained by putting it into practice by having participants solve real-world problems.
The course will be held in Barcelona, beginning at 10 a.m. on Monday, October 17th, at the UPC School. The following days will take place on November 7th and November 14th at 9:00 at the UPC School and the UPC Campus Nord, respectively.
The course is 100% face-to-face modality and will be taught in Catalan and Spanish.
You can have more information at the following link: