NEWS - 2022/01/28

MOBINNO-EXPERIENCES Expands in 2022 With New Mobility Leaders

After the success of the MOBINNO-EXPERIENCES project during 2021, a consortium meeting was held on January 25 to coordinate the continuation and expansion of this project during 2022 towards RIS countries (Regional Innovation Scheme, which includes the countries of south-eastern Europe). Co-financed by the EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, the project aims to bridge the knowledge gap between academia and business creation in the field of mobility.

MOBINNO-EXPERIENCES aims to create high-quality audiovisual materials focused on real experiences of startups, corporations, industries, and cities that are standing out because of their solutions in the field of sustainable mobility. The dissemination of these materials is done through an online platform (MooC), in addition to democratising access to information, to bring together a digital community of people interested in mobility and innovation. In this way, key competencies on entrepreneurship (commercial strategies, business models, etc.), innovation (new trends, disruptions, etc.) and mobility (new mobility services, new sustainable solutions, etc.) are provided to potential entrepreneurs, professionals, and citizens interested in the topics of urban mobility. This allows the promotion of an ecosystem of entrepreneurs with a genuine interest in EIT Urban Mobility, thus expanding its sphere of influence and managing to diversify its community.

The content that will be generated with this continuation of MOBINNO-EXPERIENCES during 2022 will be structured around different modules. Each of these units will have relevant audio-visual material from urban mobility leaders who come from different fields such as, for example, public administration, large companies or industry, small SMEs or startup, the university or research centres, etc.

With the expansion of the project to Eastern Europe in 2022, a larger audience will be reached and the impact maximised. In the launch meeting held on January 25, in addition to CARNET (lead partner of the project), MOVEN and ZONE CLUSTER – who had already been part of the project in 2021 -, The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) joined the consortium, which will ensure a greater academic projection. Indeed, MCAST will play a very important role in this extension of MOBINNO-EXPERIENCES to the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe, since its nature as an academic partner will increase the involvement of young students and potential entrepreneurs with an interest in innovation and mobility. It will make available to the project all its background in training young people, experience in e-learning training, communication channels, commercial strategy, etc.

The Hungarian partner ZONE CLUSTER will update the mapping developed in 2021 and will generate new audio-visual content based on new interviews with leaders in the sector, this time not only from Hungary but also from neighbouring countries such as Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, etc.

The Spanish partners MOVEN and CARNET, similarly, will contribute with new valuable content, but, above all, they will be in charge of the coordination and general management of the project in the case of CARNET, and the adaptation of the new content to the MooC platform, the edition of the videos, subtitles, communication and dissemination of the project, etc., in the case of MOVEN.

Project website: