NEWS - 2019/12/17

Becoming a “Lighthouse” region of future mobility technologies

As a platform for cooperation, CARNET is channelling its innovation efforts for the mobility industry, which includes input from local universities and institutional partners, and had identified six main challenges: Accessibility and Inclusiveness, Pollution and Congestion, Urban Space Allocation and Urban Growth, Behavioural Change, Future Mobility Demands, and Data, Multimodality and Safety. CARNET focuses on innovative technologies and new mobility concepts and needs arising from potential future urban lifestyles.

To create new product solutions, CARNET wants to challenge traditional concepts of the automotive product including its technical development methods into approaches that bring together vehicle manufacturers, potential service operators and various communities.

With an aim of delivering on its mission to reshape the future of mobility in Barcelona, we invited partners to participate in our call for proposals for next year. They came up with a range of ideas for our co-funded projects focussing on the following research areas: Vehicle Concepts, Software & Apps, Business Design, and Urban Mobility Concepts.
We would like to thank you for your impactful and value-creating proposals, which could benefit our cities and their citizens!