Hackathon mobility 2018
Hackathon Mobility BCN was held at the UPC on 5, 9, 10 and 11 March. At this event, 72
participants, who were mainly students, presented their innovative solutions for the mobility
of the future. This year, the projects focused on how we will move, our experience while on
the move, and services relating to our movements, in response to three challenges: ‘Hack
For Good, Social Mobility: waking up the machines’, by Telefonica, ‘Visualizing Mobility’, by
Metropolis Lab, and ‘AI For Mobility & Driving experience’, by SEAT.
Telefonica’s challenge, ‘Hack for Good’, involved the development of innovative
technological solutions to respond to social challenges and build a better world by creating
applications and services that make massive use of data and have a social impact.
SEAT proposed the creation of new functions using the AI and machine learning features of the
Anki Cozmo robot, their possible application for in-car and out-car situations, and the existing
integration of Amazon Alexa in SEAT Cars.
Metropolis Lab proposed two main domains, data analytics and visualization, which included
Bicing historical data, prediction of IO (input/output) users’ movement data, and petrol station
data, and a mobile application with a real-time Bicing app.
To introduce the challenges, form the teams, and officially start the competition, there was a
general presentation on Monday 5 March. On Friday 9 March, training sessions were held by
Worldsensing, Sparsity, SEAT, Metropolis Lab, Telefonica, OuiShare and SomMobilitat. The aim
was to give the participants background knowledge and tutorials in topics and key
technologies related to the Hackathon. A wide range of devices were available for use, and
key data were provided to validate the solutions that were developed.
Over the weekend, participants had one and a half days to develop and program their ideas
before the presentation in front of the judges. On Sunday evening, the event closed with a
prize giving ceremony:
1st Prize for the Negan team:
- Sergio Paredes
- Josep De Cid
- Juan Jose Vázquez
- Jose Francisco Crespoi
- Montse Jándula
2nd Prize for the Fluffy team:
- Sidharth Gummalla
- Nina Klymenko
- Eric Medina
- Rodrigo Arian Huapaya Sierra
Challenge SEAT:
1st Prize for the Wonder Woman team:
- David Alvarez
- Jordi Altayo
- Oriol Barbany
- Natalia Gullon
2nd Prize for the Pickle Rick team:
- Hossein Zarein
- Miguel Zavala
- Jesus Gironés
- Héctor Esteban
Challenge Telefonica:
1st Prize for the Alice team:
- Ester Lorente
- Juan Salmeron
- Sandra Martin
- Marc Vila
2nd Prize for the Alex DeLarge team:
- Alvaro Girona
- Alejandro Revilla
- Mario Martinez
Once again, Hackathon Mobility was a successful event bringing new ideas from young talent to
the mobility industry. Here there is a summary video: