Hackathon for a Better Driving Experience
Creating the future of automotive in 48h
The event “Hackathon for a Better Driving Experience” organized jointly by SEAT Chair at the UPC and CARNET, took place over the weekend of March 11.
This event was sponsored by the UPC, SEAT and Altran, who also provided short courses or “TechPills” so that participants could gain the knowledge they needed to make the most of the hackathon.
The aim of the hackathon was to bring students into contact with the automotive sector, and to generate ideas for new methods of driver-vehicle interaction, which could lead to new ways of interacting with and using vehicles.
The event lasted three days and was a huge success, with close to 90 attendees from many different countries.
At the end of the event, awards were endowed with 2000€ for each winner group in three categories:
- Best idea
- Best implementation
- Best project voted by the participants
This was the first hackathon event for most participants, and they were very positive about it.
For further information and/or photographs of the event, please visit the Event Website by clicking here.