Farewell, Dr. Mónika Bachofner – CARNET Wishes Her a Very Successful Career at Volkswagen Group Innovation
Dear partners and CARNET community,
It is time to say goodbye to Dr. Mónika Bachofner. She moved back to Germany and we are sad to see her leaving us. Dr. Mónika Bachofner started at CARNET in 2016 and there is no doubt that CARNET was nurtured from her strategic vision over the years.
Since she joined us in 2016, Mónika worked very hard in the growth and stabilization of CARNET, with her profound knowledge of the German as well as the Spanish academic system, complemented by her understanding of the automobile sector.
“They didn’t know it was impossible, so they did it” – Mark Twain
Mónika has contributed with great enthusiasm and tiredness in transforming our city into an innovation hub for urban mobility, by pushing forward the proposal of “Mobilus”, which successfully concluded with the settling of the EIT Urban Mobility headquarters in Barcelona.
Mónika always thinks one step forward, she reasons efficiently, and with passion. She has a distinctive ability to make people around her cooperate, a very useful aptitude now and for the years to come. We are going to miss her tremendously!
“The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again” – Charles Dickens
We wish Mónika a very successful career at Volkswagen Group Innovation as a Research Funding Manager. We are certain that our paths will continue to cross and that we will still be in touch.
Above all, we wish Mónika, a real European citizen, all the best for the future.
“Vinc de molt lluny i vaig més lluny encara” – Miquel Martí i Pol