Creative Lab 3rd edition: an innovative teaching initiative
The German Group Volkswagen and SEAT have developed an innovative teaching project that aims to explore new ideas alongside students from the School of Industrial and Aeronautic Engineering of Terrassa (ESEIAAT) at the Unversitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
The project, entitled Creative Lab, is running for the third time this year with twenty students who will be given the task of proposing new solutions for topics of interest provided by Volkswagen Group Research and SEAT. The topics are:
Topic 1: Car Sharing and Portable (driving) functions
Topic 2: Interior design and E-Mobility
Topic 3: Rapid Prototyping Siki
Topic 4: Urban traffic
Each group is made up of five students whose work will be assessed by approximately eight professors. In order to best solve the problems outlined, ETT has created multidisciplinary teams of students reading a range of degree subjects including: Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering, Audiovisual Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering.
The Creative Lab is based on multidisciplinary collaboration and was created to attract talented students and encourage them to design new technological solutions and develop feasible changes in two areas: cooperative mobility in urban environments (using Barcelona as a case study) and a new concept for an urban vehicle.