NEWS - 2023/03/15

CARNET Will Participate Next March 22 In a Conference about Partnerships for European Projects

Ona Esplugues CARNET Barcelona

The conference, “La cerca de socis i la creació de parternariats locals i internacionals per a projectes europeus”, aims to encourage the creation of local and international partnerships for european projects and it’s addressed to municipalities of the working group of european projects with which they work from Barcelona Provincial Council and which consists of 20 local authorities in the province.

CARNET will provide insights about its leadership of the LogiSmile project and the challenges faced during the three pilot tests developed in 2022 in the cities of Hamburg (Germany), Debrecen (Hungary), and Esplugues de Llobregat (Spain). It will focus on partner coordination and the strategy designed to manage the project complexities by sharing its experiences. CARNET hopes to inspire attendees to participate in similar projects and form partnerships that can lead to a successful implementation of innovative projects with collaborators across Europe.

Furthermore, CARNET will demonstrate the capabilities of the ONA robot during the conference. Participants will witness ONA’s advanced autonomous navigation, obstacle detection and avoidance, and efficient delivery of goods.

The event is organized by La Diputació de Barcelona and the City Council of Esplugues de Llobregat, in collaboration with the working group of european projects. The conference is set to take place on March 22, 2023, in Esplugues de Llobregat, at the “Espai Baronda”, c. de la Riba, 36.

The LogiSmile project is co-funded by EIT Urban Mobility.