Bilbao and Barcelona host a Citython to boost more liveable cities
From 16 to 21 July, Bilbao and Barcelona host simultaneously the second online edition of Citython 2021, a hackathon in which students and professionals from all around Europe matched-up in multidisciplinary teams compete to find innovative solutions to challenges faced by both cities in terms of traffic calming, sustainable urban logistics and safer mobility.
Over six days, the cities of Bilbao and Barcelona will host the second edition of Citython 2021, in which students and professionals of different profiles and expertise will gather together online to develop innovative solutions that help define how urban mobility of the future will be.
Organized by CARNET – an initiative promoted by CIT UPC – in collaboration with the Bilbao City Council, the Barcelona City Council and TECNALIA Research & Innovation, the event is funded the EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative to create liveable spaces supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).
Bilbao, which is participating for the first time in the organization of this event, has positioned itself at the forefront on urban mobility. Alfonso Gil, Deputy Mayor and Delegate Councilor of the Mobility and Sustainability Area of the Bilbao City Council, says: ” Bilbao is the first major city in the world with more than 300,000 inhabitants in setting the speed limit throughout the city at 30 km/h and today is a world benchmark in sustainable and healthy urban mobility. We continue working to create a more human, accessible and supportive city, prioritizing the use of more sustainable modes of transport such as cycling and walking through our streets. This can only be achieved through a joint effort of all citizens”.
Barcelona, which has collaborated in the organization of Citython since the first edition that took place in 2018, is committed to safe and sustainable mobility in each neighborhood of the city. According to Eugeni Rico, Senior Mobility Engineer in the Strategy of Mobility Department of the Barcelona City Council: “Encouraging sustainable modes of transport and guaranteeing safe mobility are huge challenges for a city like Barcelona. Because a city that allows children and elders to circulate autonomously, comfortably and safely on foot, by bike and public transport becomes a pleasant city that respects people’s health and the environment”.
Two cities, three challenges
The kick-off event of Citython Bilbao Barcelona 2021 will take place on 8 July in a public ceremony. Daniel Serra, Director of Innovation Hub South at EIT Urban Mobility, Alfonso Gil and Eugeni Rico will deliver the welcoming remarks. During the session, three urban mobility challenges will be presented, with the help of recognized experts such as Nelida Santos, from the Mobility and Sustainability Area of the Bilbao City Council, Roberto San Salvador del Valle Doistua, Director of Deusto Cities Lab Katedra, Urrotz Larñaga, Intelligent Transport System Engineer of the City of Bilbao, and Jesus de la Quintana, Head of Emerging Initiatives Urban Solutions at Tecnalia.
Participants in this edition will have to solve one of the challenges proposed by the cities of Bilbao and Barcelona:
- Foster change driving habits to accelerate the transition to sustainable and inclusive urban mobility, after having reduced the speed limit to 30 km/h throughout the city of Bilbao.
- Raise awareness about sustainable urban logistics and e-commerce, which has generated exponential growth in urban distribution of goods in Bilbao.
- In Barcelona, the challenge proposed is related with the commitment with a safe, sustainable and healthy mobility, on foot and by bicycle.
The registration deadline is on July 11 and teams will develop their solutions over six days, on July 14-21, when the final ideas must be presented to the jury. All teams will have the opportunity to attend individual online mentoring sessions to get feedback on their work (16 and 19 July). Winners will be announced on July 21 and 1,500 € will be given out in awards. They will also have a stand to present their solutions during the Smart City Expo World Congress, to be held in Barcelona in November.
Register here: