Empowering Tech Women to Drive Innovation Forward
Inspired by the 4YFN panel “Mediterranean Women Leading the Way: Hubs, Funding, and a Comparative Advantage”, in this article, we explore how women...
CARNET is an open hub for industrial and academic partners from the areas of automotive and mobility research & innovation. It is based in Barcelona and works through project-based collaboration. It focuses on innovative solutions that bridge the gap between academic research and industrial innovation in urban mobility.
CARNET was founded in 2015 with the aim of building on the excellent bilateral relations of the three founding institutions towards a public-private partnership involving other industrial partners and public authorities.
CARNET bases its activity on four pillars:
Updating and structuring education and life-long learning of mobility and automotive engineers and scientists to current industrial and societal needs.
Promoting highly applied research and innovation in transport, mobility and automotive engineering through close cooperation between industrial and academic research institutes.
Participation in national/European/international networks and tenders, creating a world-class environment for transport and automotive research in Catalonia.
Scouting activities for Volkswagen Group Innovation and our industrial partners in the south of Europe, exploring new technological trends in urban mobility.